Our Story

Organo Linen is a socially-conscious, everyday luxury brand with a mission to reduce textile wastage. We use the highest quality materials and offer customers an opportunity to design their clothes while guaranteeing the fit. Our experienced group of tailors will take into account the tiniest of details that makes you look great in the clothes you design! Most of our apparels are custom-made on order so they fit you great - not kept on shelves, thereby minimizing wastage.

  • Linen, Sustainability, Wellness

    Linen & Sustainability

    An ethical & sustainable fabric, Linen is made out of the stem of the flax plant - using less resources to grow. Our fabric is 100% linen, made from European-grown flax, yet each one has a different weight and texture.

    Benefits of Linen 
  • DIY Clothing

    We listened to our customers and put our creatives and engineers together to develop a 'DIY Designer Studio'. We want to inspire the artist in you - when you shop & dress. To top it off, we leveraged AI technology to offer bespoke fitting apparel.

    Designer Studio 
  • Giving Back

    We allocate 5% of sales revenue to support the Grace & Nelly Project, a non-profit committed to diminishing poverty in Mukombami Village by empowering and educating girls within the community. We are open to collaborating with other NGOs of your choice, so feel free to let us know!

    Grace & Nelly Project 
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